My research interests lie at the intersection of density functional theory (DFT), machine learning (ML)-accelerated tools for the design of novel materials, modeling and simulation, and group theory applications in condensed matter. In particular, my goal is to encourage fast feedback loops between ML-proposed novel materials, experimental synthesis, and DFT-based characterization.
This research plan and personal statement helped me to win the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in 2022! For applicant classification purposes, I was a Level 1 applicant (undergraduate senior planning to enroll in graduate school next fall). Read more about NSF GRF here and see the 2022 awards list here.
A. Ladera*, M. Aleksich*, A. LaMonica, T. Smidt, and J.N. Hohman (2024). In preparation. *Denotes equal authorship.
Induced Chirality in Bioinorganic Metal Organic Chalcogenolates Nanowires
A Ladera*, Q. Fan*, D.W. Paley, D. M. Tchon, A. Rasamsetty, H. Nyiera, D. W. Mittan-Moreau, C. D. Liyanage, M. C. Willson, M. Aleksich, E. A. Schriber, et al. (2024). In preparation. *Denotes equal authorship.
(2024) In preparation.
B. Wang, M.J. Zhou, A Ladera, L.Q. Chen (2024). Journal of the American Ceramic Society .
A. Ladera and T. Smidt (2023). arXiv. [Arxiv].
Machine learning reveals memory of the parent phases in ferroelectric relaxors Ba(Ti1-x,Zrx)O3.
A, Ladera, R. Kashikar, S. Lisenkov, and I. Ponomareva (2023). Advanced Theory and Simulations. [Arxiv].
C. Duan, A. Ladera, J. C.-L. Liu, M. G. Taylor, I. R. Ariyarathna, and H. J. Kulik (2022). Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 1549-9618. [Arxiv].
Phase diagrams, superdomains, and superdomain walls in (Kx , Na1-xNb)O3 epitaxial thin films
M.J. Zhou, B. Wang, A. Ladera, L. Bogula, H.X. Liu, L.Q. Chen, and C.W. Nan (2021). Acta Materialia, 215, 117038.
Ba(Ti1-x, Zrx)O3 relaxors: Dynamic ferroelectrics in the gigahertz frequency range
S. Lisenkov, A. Ladera, and I. Ponomareva. (2020). Physical Review B, 102, 224109.
M. Schmidbauer, L. Bogula, B. Wang, M. Hanke, L. von Helden, A. Ladera, J.J. Wang, L.Q. Chen, and J. Schwarzkopf (2020). Journal of Applied Physics. 128.
The Design Space of Novel Metal Organic Chalcogenolates
A. Ladera, A. M. Tehrani, and T. Smidt. Oral presentation session presented at: American Physical Society March Meeting, 2024 Apr 3-8; Minneapolis, MN.
A. Ladera, A. M. Tehrani, and T. Smidt. Oral presentation session presented at: Materials Research Society Fall Meeting and Exhibit, 2023 November 28; Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA.
Leveraging Density Functional Theory in the Design of Novel Metal Organic Chalcogenolates
A. Ladera, A. M. Tehrani, and T. Smidt. Oral presentation session presented at: MOCha Madness Collaboration; 2023 July 14-16; University of Conneticut, Storrs, CT.
M. Schmidbauer, L. Bogula, , B. Wang, M. Hanke, L. von Helden, A. Ladera, J.J. Wang, L.Q. Chen, and J. Schwarzkopf. Oral presentation session presented at: International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials (AAAFM) at UCLA; 2021 August 18-20; University of California, Los Angeles, CA.